In November 2021, The Polis-Primavera Administration, AmeriCorps, Serve Colorado, and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support the economic mobility of Coloradans. As of November 2022, after the initial success of this collaboration, the Economic Mobility MOU was extended for two additional years.
Partners are working to increase enrollment in the Child Tax Credit (CTC), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), and Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC). The partnership also supports financial literacy training, tax filing assistance, unified benefit enrollment, education assistance, increasing affordable housing options, and other strategies. Working together, all streams of AmeriCorps service are looking for ways to prioritize the economic mobility of Coloradans.
AmeriCorps will prioritize economic mobility projects for AmeriCorps NCCC Southwest Region members and engage AmeriCorps VISTA members and AmeriCorps Seniors grantees in supporting economic mobility priorities. Serve Colorado will give priority consideration to economic mobility programs through its AmeriCorps State grant competitions.

Serve Colorado's Programs
Serve Colorado currently has one operational program focused on this initiative, and five planning grants working to develop programs.
Rural Alliance for Dignity (RAD) is a program of La Puente which empowers rural nonprofits in the San Luis Valley and Southern Colorado to meet their mission by utilizing AmeriCorps members. Members facilitate direct-service programs that address economic insecurity, homelessness, hunger, health, education, and more. Activities include: case management and development training to support clients achieving self-sustainability, community education and engagement to increase involvement, benefit navigation and resources to supply quality care and financial assistance, and food distribution to expand the capacity of food banks throughout the valley. Click here to learn more about RAD.
Ways to Get Involved
Apply for Funding: Grants are available for nonprofit organizations, federally recognized Tribes, institutions of higher education, and state/local agencies to plan or operate an AmeriCorps program. Learn more here.
Serve in a Program: Contact a program above to learn more and apply!
Partner to Increase Impact: Strategic partnerships strengthen AmeriCorps programs and their service impact in local communities. Interested in partnering? Contact Teralyn Dorst, for more information on how you or your organization can get involved.