Serve Colorado empowers community-based organizations to address local needs and statewide challenges through service and volunteerism. Members serve within non-profit, government, faith-based, and tribal organizations, as well as schools, hospitals, and public lands. To better serve our communities and members across the state, Serve Colorado is enhancing its service-based learning structure and expanding career pathway program opportunities within its portfolio. As part of this effort, Serve Colorado is incorporating stackable credentials into AmeriCorps members’ service terms. This is a significant opportunity to provide valuable credentials through their service commitments, especially given the increasing demand for skilled workers in various industries in Colorado, and the natural connection between AmeriCorps service and workforce development programs.
Serve Colorado partnered with certain state agencies, specifically CDHE, CDLE, and CWDC, who led the statewide efforts to create the quality credentialing framework. In future funding cycles, Serve Colorado will prioritize programs that offer AmeriCorps members the chance to earn a quality credential.
View our quality credentialing framework here!
View our quality credentialing rubric here!