Environmental Stewardship


Builds capacity and resilience to address climate change at the local level. Additionally, this program will aim to create a pipeline of diverse future leaders.

Program Manager Contact Information: Shaima Shahbaz, sshahbaz@civicwell.org



Learn more about CivicSpark Here!

Environmental Education Corps

Increase environmental literacy for PreK-12 students by expanding the reach and impact of environmental education programs at schools and other partners.

Program Manager Contact Information: Erin Dreps, erindreps@caee.org

CAEE Environmental Education Corps


 Learn more about CAEE Here!

Youth Corps for Colorado

Protect and conserve our outdoor spaces by doing trail conservation, disaster mitigation, and weatherizing homes with energy efficient appliances. A program of Colorado Youth Corps Association.

Program Manager Contact Information: Caley Ford,  cford@cyca.org

Colorado Youth Corps Association


Learn more about YCCO Here!