Serve Colorado's AmeriCorps program continued to have AmeriCorps members on the ground serving their communities throughout 2020. Read more about their impact last year in our 2020 Annual Report. AmeriCorps members in all programs are continuing to help their communities stay safe and build back better.
If you need information on COVID-19 and how to protect yourself and your family please visit
COVID-19 Containment Response Corps
The COVID-19 Containment Response Corps is an initiative created in June 2020 through a partnership between AmeriCorps, Gary Community Investments, Serve Colorado, Governor Jared Polis, and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). In addition, four nonprofit organizations stepped up to host members including Community Resource Center, Conservation Legacy, Cultivate, and Volunteers of America Colorado.
This partnership has provided extra support to Local Public Health Authorities to respond to COVID-19 cases, allowing information on isolation and quarantine to be shared quickly. Members support case investigation, contact tracing, resource coordination, test result notification, isolation and quarantine monitoring and vaccine education outreach to contain the spread of COVID-19 within Colorado. AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps senior volunteers have served over 60,000 Coloradans with this effort.
The COVID-19 Containment Response Corps was awarded Outstanding Service Program at the 2021 America's Service Commissions Innovation and Leadership Awards.

Education Support
Colorado Tutoring Corps Initiative
Colorado Youth for a Change (CYC) and Serve Colorado received funding from the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief program and AmeriCorps to expand tutoring and student support programs.
This initiative will place 470 AmeriCorps members in communities across the state to provide evidence-based math and reading tutoring interventions to pre-K through 8th grade students, and provide student and family engagement interventions to high school students.
As part of the expansion, CYC will scale up its preexisting programs, Reading Corps and Corps for a Change, as well as launch a new program called Math Corps, a replication of a Minnesota program serving students in grades 4-8 who are behind grade level in math.
Learn more about serving with one of these programs at